Picture it: Mannington WV 1932
July 31, 201482nd Mannington District Fair
It all started in 1932. The Mannington District Fair will make its 82nd appearance. The fair has thrilling shows, totally able music groups (such as Ryan Cain and the Ables), go-carts, demolition derbies and competitions.
- Aug 4-9
- Free parking
- Gate admission is $6 per person
- Children under 11 are free
- Free stage entertainment
Still on the fence? Take a peek at the highlights for each day. (Remember, there’s tons more where this came from. Just follow the links.)
- Ride Stamps available (everyday)
- Kent Family Circus (everyday with multiple performances)
- Go-Cart Racing
- Horse Show
- Muttville Comix (multiple days)
- Animal Judging
- Thomas MotorSports Demolition Derby
- Ryan Cain and the Ables
- Horse Judging
- Middleweight and Heavyweight Pony Pulling
- Aaron Tippin
- Sheep Rodeo- BYOH (bring your own helmet) Weight limit is 75lbs. and under. Ride on, tiny people!
- Greased Pig Contest- catch it if you can
- Davisson Brothers Band
- Miniature Horse Show
- Pet Show- make sure you have the proper carrier and/or leash (depending on what exactly the animal is)
- Chainsaw Carving- an amazing performance of wooden art
- Reduced rates on rides
- Talent Show- applications due Aug. 1
- Lawn Mower Races- BYOLM (bring your own lawn mower)
- Marshall Lowry Band
For more information on events and if you can participate, contact Judy Carson (304) 986-2527.
Mannington is a quiet residential town of about 3,000 people. But for six days a year, during the Mannington Fair, they enjoy the radical jump to 60,000.
This palooza began in 1932. And I say “palooza” because it was not yet an official fair until 1934, to accommodate the exponentially growing crowd. From that time on, the Mannington Fair has attracted thousands of people each year.
The fair is an invitation to its family members across the nation, those who have moved away and need to come home again.
Never been? Well “a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.” (-W.B. Yeates) It’s not just for the townies. All friends are welcome!
82 years from now the Mannington District Fair will mean just as much to this ever-expanding community, those here at home and to those across the country.
What’s the best part about the Mannington Fair?