Today is National Whipped Cream Day! And no one in Marion uses more whipped cream than @thepokydot! Here are some fun facts: Their whipped cream comes in 16 oz. bags. On average, they go through SIXTY bags a day! And The Poky Dot is a test restaurant for new Rich’s On-Top products. How cool is that! #whippedcream #eatlocal #mymarionwv
January 5, 2019Today is National Whipped Cream Day! And no one in Marion uses more whipped cream than @thepokydot! Here are some fun facts: Their whipped cream comes in 16 oz. bags. On average, they go through SIXTY bags a day! And The Poky Dot is a test restaurant for new Rich’s On-Top products. How cool is that! #whippedcream #eatlocal #mymarionwv
Posted to Instagram by the Marion County CVB/.