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Pricketts Fort State Park

Fairmont, WV

Prickett's Fort State Park is a 188-acre West Virginia state park north of Fairmont, near the confluence of Prickett's Creek and the Monongahela River. The park features a reconstructed refuge fort and commemorates life on the Virginia frontier during the late 18th century with third-person interpretation of such 18th-century crafts as carpentry, blacksmithing, and spinning. The original fort was constructed in 1774 to provide early settlers protection from Native American attacks. It was built within 10 miles of three major Indian trails.

Just south of the fort stands the Job Prickett House, built in 1859 by the great-grandson of Capt. Jacob Prickett. The house contains antiques originally used by the Prickett Family.

A visitor center includes a research library, a gift shop, and a gallery with an orientation exhibit and video.

Recreational facilities at Pricketts Fort State Park include public restrooms, a 400-seat outdoor amphitheater, picnic areas, nature trails, birding observation deck, and a boat launch. The park also hosts a trailhead (with a bicycle repair station) for both the MCPARC trail to Fairmont and the Mon River Trail to Morgantown. Bicycle rentals (with helmets) are available in the fort's visitor center.

Pricketts Fort Memorial Foundation manages programming aspects, tours, heritage workshops, and facility experiences. Additional information about the fort and their events can be found at

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